Running HPC Workloads in a Hybrid Cloud: The Smart Choice for IT Leaders

Running HPC (High-Performance Computing) workloads is essential for various industries, including research, finance, healthcare, and engineering. As these industries require large-scale, high-speed computational processing, traditional IT infrastructure may not be enough to manage the workload efficiently. That’s why many enterprises are now turning to cloud computing to support their HPC needs. Today, we will discuss why it makes sense to run HPC workloads in a Hybrid Cloud setup.

Traditional on-premise solutions have a finite limit on scaling up, which can be expensive and time-consuming. However, running HPC workloads on a Hybrid Cloud setup allows you to scale resources on-demand as per your workload. Moreover, the Hybrid Cloud setup enables you to manage and control the cloud environment and hardware elements to meet your HPC workloads’ specific requirements.

Most cloud providers now offer a pay-per-use billing model that enables customers to reduce spending on the resources they may not use. Moreover, dedicated hardware maintenance and team management cost are often offloaded to the cloud provider, reducing the IT department’s overall management costs.

Running HPC workloads in a Hybrid Cloud environment allows enterprises to utilise the best of both worlds, combining the power of dedicated on-premise infrastructure and the flexibility of cloud computing. Using the Hybrid Cloud setup, you can achieve an optimal balance between performance, availability, and cost.

Cloud infrastructure is equipped with security protocols, tools, hardware, and software that can prevent, detect and mitigate cyber-attacks. Cloud providers’ data centres are often more secure than typical on-premise environments. Therefore, it’s easier to configure infrastructure with industry best practices to cater to different industry compliance needs. Additionally, Hybrid Cloud setups enable the IT department to retain critical data and applications on-premise and utilise public cloud for less sensitive workloads.

A hybrid Cloud setup allows enterprises to utilise advanced Big Data analytical tools for their HPC workloads. Utilising Big Data, you can gain insights into your business that help you optimise decision-making processes, and predictions, and identify fraudulent transactions.

Adopting a Hybrid Cloud setup is a smart move for enterprises looking to run HPC workloads in a cost-effective, efficient, and secure manner, combining the performance and control benefits of on-premise infrastructure with the scalability, flexibility, and cost benefits of cloud computing. Enterprises that adopt a Hybrid Cloud setup can benefit from advanced analytics tools, enhanced security protocols, and performance optimisations. If you are looking to run HPC workloads, speak to us today about JedAI – our HPC and AI Cloud solutions that can help optimise your business processes and achieve high returns on investments. Get in touch to learn more.