HGX 8x H100 NVLINK Benchmarks

After months of anticipation, the leading AI technology is here! DT engineers have been testing out this incredible new hardware on its short stop at our lab before it’s sent to a top-secret customer. Our team has already seen some amazing results with the system for tackling complex workloads – and we can’t wait to see what lies ahead!

We dove head-first into the H100, diving deep to make sure it was up to task. After scoping out version compatibility and various drivers on offer, we gained a full understanding of its capabilities – read on to find out more.

To begin with we explored the system to check for version compatibility, drivers versions and outputs on capabilities.

# nvidia-smi;

[root@h100-8way mlperf]# nvidia-smi

Sat Mar 11 11:17:15 2023
| NVIDIA-SMI 530.30.02              Driver Version: 530.30.02    CUDA Version: 12.1     |
| GPU  Name                  Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan  Temp  Perf            Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
|                                         |                      |               MIG M. |
|   0  NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3           On | 00000000:1B:00.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   64C    P0              511W / 700W|  18420MiB / 81559MiB |     90%      Default |
|                                         |                      |             Disabled |
|   1  NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3           On | 00000000:29:00.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   51C    P0              575W / 700W|  18242MiB / 81559MiB |     88%      Default |
|                                         |                      |             Disabled |
|   2  NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3           On | 00000000:45:00.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   51C    P0              582W / 700W|  18174MiB / 81559MiB |     88%      Default |
|                                         |                      |             Disabled |
|   3  NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3           On | 00000000:4E:00.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   65C    P0              598W / 700W|  18334MiB / 81559MiB |     89%      Default |
|                                         |                      |             Disabled |
|   4  NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3           On | 00000001:1B:00.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   65C    P0              646W / 700W|  18278MiB / 81559MiB |     87%      Default |
|                                         |                      |             Disabled |
|   5  NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3           On | 00000001:24:00.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   51C    P0              551W / 700W|  18246MiB / 81559MiB |     89%      Default |
|                                         |                      |             Disabled |
|   6  NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3           On | 00000001:45:00.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   51C    P0              625W / 700W|  18210MiB / 81559MiB |     88%      Default |
|                                         |                      |             Disabled |
|   7  NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3           On | 00000001:4E:00.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   63C    P0              635W / 700W|  18290MiB / 81559MiB |     89%      Default |
|                                         |                      |             Disabled |
| Processes:                                                                            |
|  GPU   GI   CI        PID   Type   Process name                            GPU Memory |
|        ID   ID                                                             Usage      |
|    0   N/A  N/A    125827      C   python                                    18326MiB |
|    1   N/A  N/A    125827      C   python                                    18148MiB |
|    2   N/A  N/A    125827      C   python                                    18080MiB |
|    3   N/A  N/A    125827      C   python                                    18240MiB |
|    4   N/A  N/A    125827      C   python                                    18184MiB |
|    5   N/A  N/A    125827      C   python                                    18152MiB |
|    6   N/A  N/A    125827      C   python                                    18116MiB |
|    7   N/A  N/A    125827      C   python                                    18196MiB |

Moving on to the CUDA supplied bandwidth test to check transfer speeds between GPUS and host.

# bandwidthTest
[root@h100-8way demo_suite]# ./bandwidthTest
[CUDA Bandwidth Test] - Starting...
Running on...
Device 0: NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3
Quick Mode
Host to Device Bandwidth, 1 Device(s) PINNED Memory Transfers Transfer Size (Bytes)        Bandwidth(MB/s) 33554432                     53774.7   Device to Host Bandwidth, 1 Device(s) PINNED Memory Transfers Transfer Size (Bytes)        Bandwidth(MB/s) 33554432                     53882.5   Device to Device Bandwidth, 1 Device(s) PINNED Memory Transfers Transfer Size (Bytes)        Bandwidth(MB/s) 33554432                     1943996.2   Result = PASS

The deviceQuery command is another useful tool for checking the attributes of the H100 card (we’ve snipped the output here as its quite lengthy for 8 cards!)

[root@h100-8way demo_suite]# ./deviceQuery
./deviceQuery Starting...
CUDA Device Query (Runtime API) version (CUDART static linking)
Detected 8 CUDA Capable device(s)
Device 0: "NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3"
CUDA Driver Version / Runtime Version          12.1 / 12.1
CUDA Capability Major/Minor version number:    9.0
Total amount of global memory:                 81090 MBytes (85028765696 bytes)
MapSMtoCores for SM 9.0 is undefined.  Default to use 128 Cores/SM
MapSMtoCores for SM 9.0 is undefined.  Default to use 128 Cores/SM
(132) Multiprocessors, (128) CUDA Cores/MP:     16896 CUDA Cores
GPU Max Clock rate:                            1980 MHz (1.98 GHz)
Memory Clock rate:                             2619 Mhz
Memory Bus Width:                              5120-bit
L2 Cache Size:                                 52428800 bytes
Maximum Texture Dimension Size (x,y,z)         1D=(131072), 2D=(131072, 65536), 3D=(16384, 16384, 16384)
Maximum Layered 1D Texture Size, (num) layers  1D=(32768), 2048 layers
Maximum Layered 2D Texture Size, (num) layers  2D=(32768, 32768), 2048 layers
Total amount of constant memory:               65536 bytes
Total amount of shared memory per block:       49152 bytes
Total number of registers available per block: 65536
Warp size:                                     32
Maximum number of threads per multiprocessor:  2048
Maximum number of threads per block:           1024
Max dimension size of a thread block (x,y,z): (1024, 1024, 64)
Max dimension size of a grid size    (x,y,z): (2147483647, 65535, 65535)
Maximum memory pitch:                          2147483647 bytes
Texture alignment:                             512 bytes
Concurrent copy and kernel execution:          Yes with 3 copy engine(s)
Run time limit on kernels:                     No
Integrated GPU sharing Host Memory:            No
Support host page-locked memory mapping:       Yes
Alignment requirement for Surfaces:            Yes
Device has ECC support:                        Enabled
Device supports Unified Addressing (UVA):      Yes
Device supports Compute Preemption:            Yes
Supports Cooperative Kernel Launch:            Yes
Supports MultiDevice Co-op Kernel Launch:      Yes
Device PCI Domain ID / Bus ID / location ID:   0 / 27 / 0
Compute Mode:
< Default (multiple host threads can use ::cudaSetDevice() with device simultaneously) >


The end of deviceQuery confirms the all-to-all peering capability of the system

> Peer access from NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU0) -> NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU1) : Yes
> Peer access from NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU0) -> NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU2) : Yes
> Peer access from NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU0) -> NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU3) : Yes
> Peer access from NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU0) -> NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU4) : Yes
> Peer access from NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU0) -> NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU5) : Yes
> Peer access from NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU0) -> NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU6) : Yes
> Peer access from NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU0) -> NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU7) : Yes
> Peer access from NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU1) -> NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU0) : Yes
> Peer access from NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU1) -> NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU2) : Yes
> Peer access from NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU1) -> NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU3) : Yes
> Peer access from NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU1) -> NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU4) : Yes
> Peer access from NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU1) -> NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU5) : Yes
> Peer access from NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU1) -> NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU6) : Yes
> Peer access from NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU1) -> NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3 (GPU7) : Yes


Next, we check the busGrind tool, which provides detailed statistics about peer-to-peer memory bandwidth amongst GPUs present in the system as well as pinned, and unpinned memory bandwidth.

[root@h100-8way demo_suite]# ./busGrind
Device: 0, NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3, pciBusID: 1b, pciDeviceID: 0, pciDomainID:0
Device: 1, NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3, pciBusID: 29, pciDeviceID: 0, pciDomainID:0
Device: 2, NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3, pciBusID: 45, pciDeviceID: 0, pciDomainID:0
Device: 3, NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3, pciBusID: 4e, pciDeviceID: 0, pciDomainID:0
Device: 4, NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3, pciBusID: 1b, pciDeviceID: 0, pciDomainID:1
Device: 5, NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3, pciBusID: 24, pciDeviceID: 0, pciDomainID:1
Device: 6, NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3, pciBusID: 45, pciDeviceID: 0, pciDomainID:1
Device: 7, NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3, pciBusID: 4e, pciDeviceID: 0, pciDomainID:1
P2P Cliques:
Clique: 0 [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7]
Test Description: Bus bandwidth between the host and a single device
Host/Device Bandwidth Matrix (GB/s), memory=Pinned
Dir\D       0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7
D2H     54.99  54.95  55.18  55.18  55.17  55.17  55.18  55.14
H2D     55.08  55.21  55.27  55.31  55.26  55.25  55.28  55.29
BiDir   76.17  76.07 101.02 100.93 101.11  99.39 100.87 101.18
Test Description: Bus bandwidth between the host and multiple devices concurrently
Concurrent Host/Device Bandwidth Matrix (GB/s), memory=Pinned
Dir\D       0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7  Total
H2D     27.75  27.75  27.85  27.84  22.25  22.25  22.25  22.27 200.22
D2H     19.23  19.24  19.24  19.24  15.43  15.43  15.45  15.44 138.70
BiDir   27.92  27.93  26.98  26.98  23.23  23.11  23.15  23.06 202.35
Test Description: Bus bandwidth between pairs of devices
P2P Bandwidth Matrix (GB/s) - Unidirectional, P2P=Enabled
D\D      0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7
01048.48 270.47 302.62 300.24 303.06 302.03 301.96 302.01
1 352.991180.58 357.02 356.55 353.91 353.99 355.28 355.19
2 354.13 357.081194.80 356.92 353.01 353.87 354.11 354.13
3 357.45 351.78 357.291162.14 355.07 354.79 355.28 354.61
4 354.69 354.83 354.53 355.921180.14 349.08 351.38 355.09
5 357.33 355.74 357.22 355.17 355.641194.80 352.41 354.67
6 357.78 352.99 358.41 352.13 351.26 350.791175.70 351.62
7 355.64 354.83 357.20 357.24 351.50 351.26 351.241179.91
P2P Bandwidth Matrix (GB/s) - Bidirectional, P2P=Enabled
D\D      0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7
01310.00 709.42 703.12 710.95 706.77 703.00 703.12 705.78
1 706.531310.27 707.49 704.34 707.97 700.20 699.42 711.80
2 709.22 703.231308.49 704.38 707.13 700.36 704.27 709.22
3 699.30 713.19 707.891301.95 705.26 695.95 697.70 706.53
4 700.79 700.04 706.61 702.601302.49 696.61 700.20 705.02
5 704.98 706.21 707.69 713.92 710.191305.89 698.13 704.11
6 695.37 709.14 707.85 707.65 707.05 707.371302.35 706.45
7 706.61 711.04 710.15 702.41 705.14 698.01 702.481307.39
Test Description: Bus bandwidth between pairs of devices running concurrently (assumes devices are paired in order)
P2P Concurrent Exchange Bandwidth Matrix - P2P Enabled (GB/s)
Dir\D    0<>1   2<>3   4<>5   6<>7  Total
R2L    283.31 282.79 283.33 291.321140.75
L2R    374.01 372.62 372.22 376.761495.61
BiDir  747.79 747.88 747.25 752.152995.06
Test Description: Bus bandwidth for a 1D exchange across devices running concurrently (assumes devices are ordered ideally)
P2P Concurrent 1D Exchange Bandwidth Matrix - P2P Enabled (GB/s)
Dir\D       0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7  Total
R2L    296.42 315.78 307.05 311.44 310.10 311.16 280.38   0.002132.34
L2R      0.00 372.89 374.50 375.13 376.76 371.29 373.83 373.452617.84

Test Description: Bus bandwidth for a cycle exchange across devices running concurrently (assumes devices are ordered ideally)
P2P Concurrent 1D Exchange Bandwidth Matrix - P2P Enabled (GB/s)
Dir\D      H      0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7     H  Total
R2L     54.78 294.46 320.45 280.09 349.61 277.58 315.42 282.75   0.00  55.132230.28
L2R     55.20   0.00 376.71 377.28 372.02 370.28 374.90 369.63 354.21  55.112705.34
Test Description: Bus bandwidth for an all to all across all devices running concurrently
P2P All to All Bandwidth Matrix - P2P Enabled (GB/s)
Dir\D       0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7     Total
Sctr     205.03 206.15 209.01 200.44 195.59 205.90 229.79 226.221678.13
Gthr     193.46 214.34 226.14 203.04 220.05 193.58 277.25 203.451731.32
Test Description: Bus latency between the host and a single device
Host/Device Latency Matrix (us), memory=Pinned
Dir\D       0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7
D2H      1.91   1.86   1.87   1.85   1.95   1.94   1.93   1.95
H2D      2.13   2.12   2.12   2.11   2.15   2.29   2.13   2.14
BiDir    3.04   3.05   3.06   3.03   3.14   3.19   3.21   3.15
Test Description: Bus latency between pairs of GPUs
P2P Latency Matrix - P2P=Enabled (us)
D\D      0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7
0   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02
1   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02
2   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02
3   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02
4   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02
5   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02
6   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02
7   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02   0.02

Next is the NCCL Test (which tests collective communications between the GPUs)

# yes yes I know its bad practise to run as root..

[root@h100-8way nccl-tests]# mpirun --allow-run-as-root -np 8 ./build/alltoall_perf
# nThread 1 nGpus 1 minBytes 33554432 maxBytes 33554432 step: 1048576(bytes) warmup iters: 5 iters: 20 agg iters: 1 validation: 1 graph: 0
# Using devices
# nThread 1 nGpus 1 minBytes 33554432 maxBytes 33554432 step: 1048576(bytes) warmup iters: 5 iters: 20 agg iters: 1 validation: 1 graph: 0
# Using devices
# nThread 1 nGpus 1 minBytes 33554432 maxBytes 33554432 step: 1048576(bytes) warmup iters: 5 iters: 20 agg iters: 1 validation: 1 graph: 0
# Using devices
# nThread 1 nGpus 1 minBytes 33554432 maxBytes 33554432 step: 1048576(bytes) warmup iters: 5 iters: 20 agg iters: 1 validation: 1 graph: 0
# Using devices
# nThread 1 nGpus 1 minBytes 33554432 maxBytes 33554432 step: 1048576(bytes) warmup iters: 5 iters: 20 agg iters: 1 validation: 1 graph: 0
# Using devices
# nThread 1 nGpus 1 minBytes 33554432 maxBytes 33554432 step: 1048576(bytes) warmup iters: 5 iters: 20 agg iters: 1 validation: 1 graph: 0
# Using devices
# nThread 1 nGpus 1 minBytes 33554432 maxBytes 33554432 step: 1048576(bytes) warmup iters: 5 iters: 20 agg iters: 1 validation: 1 graph: 0
# Using devices
# nThread 1 nGpus 1 minBytes 33554432 maxBytes 33554432 step: 1048576(bytes) warmup iters: 5 iters: 20 agg iters: 1 validation: 1 graph: 0
# Using devices
#  Rank  0 Group  0 Pid 384590 on  h100-8way device  0 [0x1b] NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3
#  Rank  0 Group  0 Pid 384587 on  h100-8way device  0 [0x1b] NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3
#  Rank  0 Group  0 Pid 384588 on  h100-8way device  0 [0x1b] NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3
#  Rank  0 Group  0 Pid 384586 on  h100-8way device  0 [0x1b] NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3
#  Rank  0 Group  0 Pid 384584 on  h100-8way device  0 [0x1b] NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3
#  Rank  0 Group  0 Pid 384585 on  h100-8way device  0 [0x1b] NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3
#  Rank  0 Group  0 Pid 384591 on  h100-8way device  0 [0x1b] NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3
#  Rank  0 Group  0 Pid 384589 on  h100-8way device  0 [0x1b] NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3
#                                                              out-of-place                       in-place
#       size         count      type   redop    root     time   algbw   busbw #wrong     time   algbw   busbw #wrong
#        (B)    (elements)                               (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)            (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)
#                                                              out-of-place                       in-place
#       size         count      type   redop    root     time   algbw   busbw #wrong     time   algbw   busbw #wrong
#        (B)    (elements)                               (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)            (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)
33554432       8388608     float    none      -1    38.80  864.90    0.00      0     8.74  3837.40    0.00    N/A
33554432       8388608     float    none      -1    39.07  858.79    0.00      0     9.09  3692.29    0.00    N/A
# Out of bounds values : 0 OK
# Avg bus bandwidth    : 0
# Out of bounds values : 0 OK
# Avg bus bandwidth    : 0
#                                                              out-of-place                       in-place
#       size         count      type   redop    root     time   algbw   busbw #wrong     time   algbw   busbw #wrong
#        (B)    (elements)                               (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)            (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)
33554432       8388608     float    none      -1    38.67  867.79    0.00      0     8.05  4167.01    0.00    N/A
#                                                              out-of-place                       in-place
#       size         count      type   redop    root     time   algbw   busbw #wrong     time   algbw   busbw #wrong
#        (B)    (elements)                               (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)            (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)
# Out of bounds values : 0 OK
# Avg bus bandwidth    : 0
33554432       8388608     float    none      -1    38.67  867.80    0.00      0     7.38  4546.98    0.00    N/A
# Out of bounds values : 0 OK
# Avg bus bandwidth    : 0
#                                                              out-of-place                       in-place
#       size         count      type   redop    root     time   algbw   busbw #wrong     time   algbw   busbw #wrong
#        (B)    (elements)                               (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)            (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)
33554432       8388608     float    none      -1    39.36  852.40    0.00      0     7.77  4320.07    0.00    N/A
# Out of bounds values : 0 OK
# Avg bus bandwidth    : 0
#                                                              out-of-place                       in-place
#       size         count      type   redop    root     time   algbw   busbw #wrong     time   algbw   busbw #wrong
#        (B)    (elements)                               (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)            (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)
33554432       8388608     float    none      -1    38.85  863.64    0.00      0     8.67  3871.52    0.00    N/A
# Out of bounds values : 0 OK
# Avg bus bandwidth    : 0
#                                                              out-of-place                       in-place
#       size         count      type   redop    root     time   algbw   busbw #wrong     time   algbw   busbw #wrong
#        (B)    (elements)                               (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)            (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)
33554432       8388608     float    none      -1    39.27  854.47    0.00      0     8.51  3941.46    0.00    N/A
# Out of bounds values : 0 OK
# Avg bus bandwidth    : 0
#                                                              out-of-place                       in-place
#       size         count      type   redop    root     time   algbw   busbw #wrong     time   algbw   busbw #wrong
#        (B)    (elements)                               (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)            (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)
33554432       8388608     float    none      -1    39.34  852.85    0.00      0     7.64  4393.29    0.00    N/A
# Out of bounds values : 0 OK
# Avg bus bandwidth    : 0

OK that’s enough synthetic work – let’s take a quick look at MLPerf (specifically th resnet50 training tests). TL;DR get your batch sizing right!

MLPerf benchmarking: one of the problems with such new hardware is that the NGC registry is not fully up to date on the H100 support. As a result, we had to rebuild the mlperf containers using the mxnet:23.02-py3 builds. The resulting Testing had mixed precision on the imagenet2012 dataset.

Unfortunately, our timeline didn’t allow us to complete all the tests we would have liked. But don’t worry – stay tuned for more updates and benchmarking results from our upcoming deployment! Plus, if you’re looking for a specific GPU setup then make sure to reach out and chat with the team about it.